Team Lead

Meet our dedicated team leads who are passionate about driving our UTNU's mission forward and making a positive impact in Uganda.

UTNU has 15 permanent staff, 11 part-time staff, and 10 volunteers that are qualified and experienced in the fields of community development, HIV/AIDS Prevention activities, Care and treatment, Gender-Based Violence, Primary and Secondary Education, Environment Conservation, support services as well as management of Health-related information among young people and grassroots.

Twinomugisha Madinah

Executive Director

Human Resource


20 years of experience

Education Law

She is the Chief Accounting Officer. She offers guidance as per organization policies and compliance with the project. She is the overall overseer of the project activities and provides overall leadership for the project in ensuring effective and compliant delivery of results.

Ssebuwufu Moses

Programs Manager

Social Work

Human Resource

11 years of experience

Information technology

He provides technical oversight and leadership in delivering effective interventions for projects, and manages a team of two senior technical advisors in advocacy governance and accountability issues to ensure quality, timeliness, and efficiency of all outcomes and activities generated under the project. He works closely with the ED to ensure coordination and program integration between senior and technical staff and program partners, and to identify and respond to staff needs for training and technical assistance.

Nabayinda Hanifah

Finance Director


social Work


11 years of experience

Business Development

The Finance Director oversees management of financial systems, generation of financial reports and tracking of expenses. Ms. Hanifah brings over 11 years of solid experience in grants management, financial management, sub-granting to CSOs, cooperative agreements, OMB Circulars, capacity building, USAID Policies and Procedures, PEPFAR funding, and private sector auditing. 

Join us

Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

We are always looking for passionate individuals who share our mission and want to make a difference in their communities. There are several ways to get involved with our organization:

    Need more help?

    We strive to provide as much support as we can to those in need. However, we understand that our resources may not always be sufficient to address every challenge. If you need additional assistance, we recommend contacting us.